Essential Oil Skin Care

We Pledge: Organic Goodness. Food Grade Ingredients. Therapeutic Essential Oils. Truly Natural Skin Care.

Frontier Natural Brands Co-op

Our Frontier Natural Brands Co-op Account has been approved!  That means PMN Bulk Club Members have some NEW BENEFITS for CLUB MEMBERSHIP!  We will offer access to Frontier Products in Co-op Style to Club Members!    

Where to order:

Frontier Co-op Log In Link Click Here

If you don't have a Frontier User Name and Password set up on Our PMN Bulk Club Account, then send an email request to Suzanne at:

Your PMN Bulk Membership must be current to order with our Wholesale Co-Op accounts.  You get wholesale prices plus a 15% overhead fee .

If you are a friend of a member and not a direct member, contact your member friend or join on your own 

To Join PMN Bulk Club: PMN Bulk Club-Join Here

How to order:

#1 Click  HERE to get to the log in page for Frontier's website.

#2 Use the email that is attached to your PMN Bulk Club Membership as your User Name.
     Enter the password you made before, or create one or use the forgot link.

#3 Go shopping, Make a cart named for this month with your 1st item. Add all your items to that cart.

#4 View Cart.  Check and approve your cart so your cart total shows up in the approved total.

#5 Send an email to and tell us your cart is approved and ready to be ordered!  We will send you a confirmed total to pre-pay, and an eta date for pickup.   We have an order minimum to fill per order.  We will try to order monthly by the 20th, if we can meet the minimum.

#6 Mail your order payment to us at P.O. Box 275 Cedar Springs, MI 49319

#7 Come get your stuff!  Pickup at our studio or make other arrangements to meet up with us.

Thanks for being a PMN Bulk Club Member!

PMN Subscription Box?

We'd like to know your opinion!  

Monthly subscription boxes are quite popular these days.  You can find a monthly box for clothes, skin care, make-up, crafts, and even your dog!  We'd like to know if a monthly PMN box would interest you.  We're thinking a box in the $25 to $49 range. Or maybe 2 size choices - like $25 and $49.

It could be a Soaps and Skin Care box  OR an Essential Oils "stock your remedies" educational box OR a mix of both.  We'd add some "News You Can Use" to help you stay naturally healthy and make it a good value.  If this is something you'd likely participate in, PLEASE COMMENT BELOW!    
Thank you for your opinion.  Commenters who leave us a contact method will get a couponed reply. 

Lugols Iodine for Increased IQ, Improved Breast Tissue, Increased Energy and More!


Lugols Iodine for Increased IQ

 WE NEED IODINE The environment has radiation we need to protect from. But if that's not enough of motivation - How About Raising YOUR IQ? Check This Out!

Flechas: “Babies born to mothers on the High Iodine Protocol, (12.5mg iodine) are genius level babies” At 14:25 in the video he states that babies whose mothers took high iodine have IQ’s 20-30 points higher than the parents.
Jorge Flechas "Total Body Iodine Sufficiency" (2011)
Lugol's Iodine (properly blended and suitable for oral and topical use) is available at
Watch the whole video here:

Disclaimer:   Our products and our printed information are created solely for your delight and enjoyment. All statements about our products are for your personal reference and informational, educational, or entertainment purposes only and have not been evaluated by government agencies including the FDA, and are not intended to substitute for advice from a medical professional to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any ailment or disease regulated by medical professionals or government agencies including the FDA.  We assume no liability for claims, inaccuracies or misstatements, misunderstandings, or misuse with/about our products or our ingredients.  Use at your own risk.  All statements of use are unverified and historical and/or testimonial in nature.
Due to market variations, Any stated prices are subject to change without notice. Volume Discounts Available. Wholesale and Club Membership purchases only. New Wholesale Store and Club Membership Accounts Welcomed

Lugol’s Iodine Bulk


Lugol’s Iodine Bulk Buy Details

Did you just ask - Why do I need iodine?

We have had many of you come back with testimonials of improved health from taking this iodine over the last several bulk buys.  Many did the skin patch test and were amazed to find that Dr. Brownstein’s findings of deficiency applied to them too! The web site on the iodine bottle label gives simple skin patch test instructions for testing for deficiency at home. If you didn’t try this last time – for only a few $ you really should!

PLEASE take time to read this one page before you decide if you should order some.

Lugol’s Iodine Product statement:

Lugol's taken internally in addition to replenishing the thyroid, also brings amazing relief and a calming, soothing, peaceful state to anxiety and a manic stage. It destroys vicious stomach bacteria, (especially salmonella), against gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn. Doomed are harmful bacteria and parasite eggs. It is 100% safe (except if allergic) to take regularly, but only use as needed. Lugol's iodine is old-fashioned iodine and years ago was used for treating various illnesses. It has a distinctive trait - it hangs up on everything. In the stomach, it attaches to vicious salmonella, bacteria, parasite eggs and they are doomed. The thyroid is the organ most capable of absorbing iodine. Pathogenic microorganisms, the primary cause of disease, are made weaker and most are killed as they pass through the thyroid, provided, it has its normal supply of iodine. Clinical studies show that very few people have enough iodine in their thyroid to function optimally. This deficiency has occurred in the 20th century because of chlorine in drinking water, the alteration of natural food sources and modern farming practices. Aggravating the problem is that the body does not conserve iodine, therefore, we must get a regular supplemental intake to maintain optimal health. The role of the thyroid gland has been understood for some time now. Although conventional medicine places emphasis on its contribution to regulating the body's metabolism, and equally important role is its contribution to the immunological health and body. You would get 3.125 mg of iodine out of a vertical drop and 6.25 mg out of a horizontal drop (that’s 2.5 mg iodine, 3.75 mg potassium iodide). In a 2 oz. bottle you would get roughly 250 drops. The solution will go right to the bloodstream by passing the digestion process also liquid is more controlled and you can get more uses out of it. You can apply it to the skin or take it orally.

Now how about a few quick testimonials found online:

Testimonial #1

I bought one bottle of this and used it for several months... just 2 drops a day. Next trip to the doctor he lowered the strength of my thyroid pills... (after 5 yrs on the same strength) If I increase the Lugols maybe I can get off the pills altogether. I just decided to take it slow to make sure I don't get too much.To those who complain about the taste... NOOOO don't take it by itself. You can put a few drops in almost any drink, even water, and you won't taste it. I usually take mine with my morning coffee. As a side benefit, did you know that iodine can be used to make dirty water safe for drinking?



Testimonial #2

I searched hypothyroidism on the web, and one of the things that popped up was iodine. I read the various articles about it, and decided to order it. I decided to take 5 drops (12.5 mg) each day and see if I noticed any effects. I experienced much more energy and alertness immediately after starting. But the real surprise for me was the vast improvement of some skin conditions I've had for many years that my dermatologist prescribed medication for, but could only slow the progression. The itching stopped immediately, and the patches of thick and callused skin on one of my palms started showing improvement, as did the eczema patch on one knee.
It's been three weeks now, and the eczema patch on my knee, which had grown to over 5 inches in diameter, is now less than 2 inches. It has changed from a maroon color to a normal skin color, and is still shrinking each day. The problem on my hand also appears to be heading toward full resolution.
I'm dumbfounded! How could my doctors overlook something as simple as a nutritional deficiency? I've worried about this condition and spent considerable money over the years trying to control it since I was told that was the best I could hope for. Something is terribly wrong with western medicine for something like this to occur.
Update: For the last 15 years I've had four toenails that looked terrible due to toenail fungus. Over a year later, you can see in the nails where I began taking the iodine; new growth looks healthy and normal. At the present growth rate, the bad part of the nails should be totally gone within a few months.
Iodine reduces CANDIDA & FUNGUS!


Testimonial #3

I have had symptoms of low thyroid most of my life but the lab tests were always within "normal" limits, so I was never treated to relieve the symptoms. I have been taking Lugol’s iodine- 2-3 drops 5-6 days a week for several months. My energy is up, my skin is clearer, and I am able to keep the 35 lb weight loss without counting every calorie.


Testimonial #4

I have a number of hypo symptoms but am not interested in going on conventional medicine. Having taken Lugol's for about two weeks I find my low basal body temperature has gone up from mid-96s to 98.6 (what a cliche!) Also, the ice-cold feet I bothered my husband with at night have normalized. I also find that insomnia that was keeping me up until four a.m. or later has abated, now I'm getting tired around ten p.m. Just know that iodine requires self-education. There are studies suggesting it can harm you, and studies suggesting that most of us are being harmed by iodine deficiency (women in particular).


What about nuclear radiation protection? What about OD Concerns?

With the Japan tsunami mess still fresh in memory, and knowledge that the west Michigan lake shore nuclear reactor is one of the oldest in the region and has been repeatedly closed for safety concerns, and with nuclear weapons a regular topic in foreign news, should we think about some simple, cheap, easy precautions?  Maybe.  If it costs $8 per family member – is it cheap peace of mind?  And maybe makes some health improvements too?  Is it money well spent?  Maybe. 

Are there concerns and is research available?  YES!

Concerns are typically expressed by medical doctors without sufficient knowledge of iodine.  But there are doctors who are very well researched in this area.  One of which is Dr David Brownstein, MD.  He has done extensive research and has lots of case history study to back up his statements.

He says in his book that 80 to 90% of Americans are significantly deficient in iodine, and that the supplementation in salt is woefully inadequate and that many health conditions can be improved or corrected with the addition of iodine in the diet.  Specifically Lugol’s iodine (a specific solution that includes Iodine and potassium Iodide to improve absorbency and effectiveness).  He suggests lab style urine tests to determine and adjust dosage, but other researchers suggest a simple skin test that can be done at home by anyone is easy and sufficient.

Simply put some on you skin, and allow it to soak in (5-10 min) then see how long the amber stain on your skin lasts.  It should last 24 hours, but most find that it is gone in less.  You are deficient.  

(A very common symptom in Michigan, which is known to be part of “the goiter belt region”)

Pills are also available in Lugol’s solution, but the liquid form allows you the flexibility of oral or topical use, and use on anyone – even those who don’t easily swallow pills. And this Lugol’s is sooo much cheaper than the pills!

So, want to try it?  Want some today?  You can try to find in at your local pharmacy.  It used to be common to find iodine tincture which is not Lugols and therefore not for oral consumption and likely less absorbable, but still usable.

But after trying several pharmacies and asking pharmacists, I came home zero results!  That’s right, that tincture that used to be common for a first aid kit has been replaced with Neosporin and Benadryl (both drugs with toxicities.) and the trace element so vital to your glandular system function is missing from the shelf! 


This bulk buy is the result of a search for better options.  

You can help!  Share this!

Check out  more details on Dr Brownstein’s Books and DVD’s at

 Find the Bulk Buy Lugol's Iodine at:





 Disclaimer:   Our products and our printed information are created solely for your delight and enjoyment. All statements about our products are for your personal reference and informational, educational, or entertainment purposes only and have not been evaluated by government agencies including the FDA, and are not intended to substitute for advice from a medical professional to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any ailment or disease regulated by medical professionals or government agencies including the FDA.  We assume no liability for claims, inaccuracies or misstatements, misunderstandings, or misuse with/about our products or our ingredients.  Use at your own risk.  All statements of use are unverified and historical and/or testimonial in nature.

Due to market variations, Any stated prices are subject to change without notice. Volume Discounts Available. Wholesale and Club Membership purchases only. New Wholesale Store and Club Membership Accounts Welcomed





Lugol's Iodine


Lugol's Iodine

If you haven't tried this, you should. 
Please at least take a couple minutes to read the article posted on the blog.  The amount of good this lil bottle of liquid has done for so many people in the time we've been bulk ordering it is truly amazing!  This stuff used to be standard equipment in every first aid kit, now it's hard to find and has been replaced with pharmaceutical drugs that cost more, are less effective and have side effects.  Please read the article and try a bottle.  It's a few $ well spent.

​Lugol’s Iodine Bulk Buy Details

Did you just ask - Why do I need iodine?

We have had many of you come back with testimonials of improved health from taking this iodine over the last several bulk buys. Many did the skin patch test and were amazed to find that Dr. Brownstein’s findings of deficiency applied to them too! The web site on the iodine bottle label gives simple skin patch test instructions for testing for deficiency at home. If you didn’t try this last time – for only a few  $ you really should!

PLEASE take time to read the page posted on our blog about Lugol's Iodine before you decide to wait to order some.

BREAKING 2020 News! Br Brownstein has been treating C ovid 1 9 with iodine and oxygen therapies and is claiming great success. His website has details on it.

Iodine stores well. Having it available when you need it instead of having to go looking for it is a great plan! In these uncertain times, availability of things known to work might get slim. Buy an extra large bottle or 2now, tuck it away, have it you need it. It's great to be taking a small amount regularly to protect your thyroid and reduce your risk of radiation impacts too.

Large size saves packaging and is cheaper, small size has dosage dropper and is refillable from the large size.

No need for refrigeration. Comes in amber glass easy to store in a room temp cupboard.

Lugol's Solution Contains:

 2% Iodine,

 4% Potassium Iodide,

 94% Distilled Water

Disclaimer:   Our products and our printed information are created solely for your delight and enjoyment. All statements about our products are for your personal reference and informational, educational, or entertainment purposes only and have not been evaluated by government agencies including the FDA, and are not intended to substitute for advice from a medical professional to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any ailment or disease regulated by medical professionals or government agencies including the FDA.  We assume no liability for claims, inaccuracies or misstatements, misunderstandings, or misuse with/about our products or our ingredients.  Use at your own risk.  All statements of use are unverified and historical and/or testimonial in nature.
Due to market variations, Any stated prices are subject to change without notice. Volume Discounts Available. Wholesale and Club Membership purchases only. New Wholesale Store and Club Membership Accounts Welcomed

Argan oil

 Argan oil 

100% Pure. 
Virgin. Filtered.
Cold Pressed. 
Sustainably Grown.  

Cold pressed from the nut kernels of Argania spinosa tree common to Morocco. 
Sustainably harvested. Argan Oil is powerful & concentrated.   

With its unique composition of unsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids, plant sterols, polyphenols, ferulic acid, Vitamin E and squalene, it delivers a therapeutic profile that offers regenerative, anti-inflammatory and restructuring activity, improves skin's flexibility, skin softness & offers anti-oxidant protection. 

Most of the research on this oil shows it's best attribute to be the reduction of wrinkles and smoothing of skin.

 So now you know why you want some, you may be wondering how to use it.

Well, you could try replacing your makeup remover with it. 
Especially for that stubborn eye makeup.  
It's certainly a healthier choice than any retail makeup remover that has the typical chemicals, stabilizers, fragrances and preservatives.

You'll likely find argan oils' non-greasy texture 
a fine way to soothe and enhance your delicate skin areas like 
and more.


How about a little bit as a frizz tamer for fussy hair?
(check out Babassu oil for hair too)

How about stretch marks?
Yes argan can help keep skin less stressed and more youthful looking.
(consider blending it with shea and jojoba and evening primrose and vit E)

Scrub the age away?
Do you make a salt or sugar scrub for your skin?  
Try adding some argan to your blend.  You're sure to enjoy it.
If you have not tried using a salt scrub, we'd like to suggest giving it a try!
It's easy to make, easy to use, and yields delightful results!
We recommend using a high nutrient salt like fine grain Himalayan or Celtic and a blend of nutrient rich oils like argan, jojoba, shea and coconut.  Up the ante with a healing essential oil blend, we like conquer blend or purify blend, or revive me or scar me away.
If you are not familiar with how to make it, try ours and then you'll know!

Cuticles anyone?
Your nails can get dry, wounded or needy regardless of if you have a regular manicure routine or if you rarely do more than trim them.  
A nutrient dense oil like argan massaged into your cuticles before bed occasionally can make a big difference on how those fingertip feel on skin and fabrics.
Try it. 

Carrier oil blends
Of course any oil can technically be used as a carrier oil. Choosing an oil that meets your specific needs is key to skin happiness.  
Typically a blend of several oils makes the best carrier.  
Give this oil a try as part of your next carrier oil blend.

You can order bulk oil at a discount as part of the next pre-buy bulk oil order  HERE

Or you can check for in stock carrier oils HERE 

Pamper Your Skin Naturally! 

Disclaimer:   Our products and our printed information are created solely for your delight and enjoyment. All statements about our products are for your personal reference and informational, educational, or entertainment purposes only and have not been evaluated by government agencies including the FDA, and are not intended to substitute for advice from a medical professional to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any ailment or disease regulated by medical professionals or government agencies including the FDA.  We assume no liability for claims, inaccuracies or misstatements, misunderstandings, or misuse with/about our products or our ingredients.  Use at your own risk.  All statements of use are unverified and historical and/or testimonial in nature.
Due to market variations, Any stated prices are subject to change without notice. Volume Discounts Available. Wholesale and Club Membership purchases only. New Wholesale Store and Club Membership Accounts Welcomed

Evening Primrose Oil

 Evening Primrose Oil – Cold Pressed

High in GLA, making it a great supplement or skin serum. 
Have you heard about using Evening Primrose Seed oil?
It's long list of amazingness is an awesome read.  This beautiful flower makes an oil that is high in GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid) an important nutrient that helps in
maintaining cellular structure and in hormone compounds needed for
good health.  This oil is sold in capsules as a health supplement for aid in things like Alzheimer's, brain function, anxiety, depression, OCD, arthritis, hormone balance and more.  Similar usages have been found with boage seed oil which is another flower with similar properties.  These oils are awesome for use as a straight facial serum oil or bonus synergy when mixed together or with other beneficial nutrients.  Try them both and be amazed.

Borage Seed Oil

 Borage Seed Oil

Have you heard about using Borage Seed oil? It's long list of amazingness is an awesome read.  This beautiful flower makes an oil that is high in GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid) an important nutrient that helps in maintaining cellular structure and in hormone compounds needed for good health.  This oil is sold in capsules as a health supplement for aid in things like Alzheimer's, brain function, anxiety, depression, OCD, arthritis, hormone balance and more.  Similar usages have been found with evening primrose oil which is another flower with similar properties.  These oils are awesome for use as a straight facial serum oil or bonus synergy when mixed together or with other beneficial nutrients.  Try them both and be amazed.

Carrier oil blends
Of course any oil can technically be used as a carrier oil. Choosing an oil that meets your specific needs is key to skin happiness.  
Typically a blend of several oils makes the best carrier.  
Give this oil a try as part of your next carrier oil blend.

You can order bulk oil at a discount as part of the next pre-buy bulk oil order  HERE

Or you can check for in stock carrier oils HERE 

Pamper Your Skin Naturally! 

Disclaimer:   Our products and our printed information are created solely for your delight and enjoyment. All statements about our products are for your personal reference and informational, educational, or entertainment purposes only and have not been evaluated by government agencies including the FDA, and are not intended to substitute for advice from a medical professional to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any ailment or disease regulated by medical professionals or government agencies including the FDA.  We assume no liability for claims, inaccuracies or misstatements, misunderstandings, or misuse with/about our products or our ingredients.  Use at your own risk.  All statements of use are unverified and historical and/or testimonial in nature.
Due to market variations, Any stated prices are subject to change without notice. Volume Discounts Available. Wholesale and Club Membership purchases only. New Wholesale Store and Club Membership Accounts Welcomed

Macademia Nut Oil

 Macademia Nut Oil

This edible nourishing oil is said to be regenerating and healing for scars, sunburn, and irritated skin. It's high in antioxidants and full of beautifying important essential fatty acids.  Use it in cooking and skin care.  Learn more at:


 Vegetable Wax

Vegan plant wax (non-soy) for emulsifying, white color, comes in easy measure bits in a zipbag.

Bees Wax - Golden
Natural bees wax, comes in easy measure bits in a zip-bag

Bees Wax – Filtered White
Natural bees wax filtered to be white, comes in bits

Bees Wax - Golden Solid Chunk from Local Bees 
New this time, while most positively love the easy measure feature of the bees wax bits above and the choice of colors, some of you want to get wax from the most local source possible to get the most natural anti-histamine benefits.  So here's another great opportunity,  this is pure wax from naturally raised bees that are local bees flying within 50 miles of the pickup location.   This Natural golden bees wax comes in a 16oz slab approx 4"x 6" x 1" thick in a zip-bag

Black Cumin Oil

 Black Cumin Oil organic

A nourishing supplement and skin oil. Known for healing .Compare and you'll find this is an Amazing Price for an oil you'll want to have some on hand.

 References to black cumin seeds date back thousands of years. It is mentioned in the Bible in the book of Isaiah, chap 28, verses 25, 27. Black cumin seeds were found in the tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun,  A prophet is reported to have stated that black cumin seeds are "the remedy for all diseases but death.   Known in the Middle East as ’The Seed Of Blessing’ There have been reports of these “health giving” seeds used throughout history in the Middle East, the Mediterranean & India – from minor headaches & skin irritations,  to otherwise deemed impossible circumstance. Regarded throughout the entire Middle East as one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory herbs ever existing… Which brings no surprise that Black Cumin Seed Oil has also been used by practitioners of Ayurveda and Chinese Traditional Medicine for thousands of years for an extensive list of mild to extreme health conditions. In recent years, it has been put to the test and several scientific studies confirm its long reported health benefits.

Kokum Butter

 Kokum Butter

From the edible seeds of the kokum tree (Garcinia indica). also known as the Wild Mangosten Tree, or Red Mangosten Tree.   Some of the traditionally known benefits: Helps prevents drying of the skin
Helps heal ulcers, fissures of the lips, hands & soles of feet Helps regenerate & reduces degeneration of skin cells
Contains 80% stearic-oleic-stearic triglycerides Non-pore clogging. Contains antioxidant properties
Softens the skin and restores skin flexibility.  It is used in body butters, lip balm, hair products, and as a straight skin application.  This is a solid butter with a melt point of about 95F.  Not quite as hard as cocoa butter , closer to shea butter, not as soft as babassu or coconut. 
It will come in chunks in a zipbag.


 Babassu Oil

This nourishing oil high in fatty acids  has been considered the hair wonder oil.  It's users claim a list of benefits including split end sealing and repair, hair conditioning, skin protection, healing and softening, anti-inflammation, and more.  It is used in body butters, lip balm, hair products, and as a straight skin application.  It has a similar texture and melting point as coconut oil and is from a similar palm-like tree.  Comes in a jug like coconut oill.

Shea Butter - Skin's Superfood

 Shea Butter –  Organic

100% Pure. 
Sustainably & Organically Grown.
Extracted from the seeds (nut) of the African karite tree & filtered for impurities 
Shea has a butter-like consistency with a melting point of 90F that melts on skin contact.  

Shea is so high in vitamin A, vitamin E, and essential fatty acids that it is considered a skin superfood.  

Shea is well known for it's antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and skin toning benefits which ease swelling, improves redness, eczema, stretch marks and cellular damage.  

Shea has recognized sunscreen benefits. 

It's protective emollient properties make it great for all skin types especially mature, wrinkled or dry skin to retain moisture and elasticity.

Apply directly to the skin or mix with other skin nourishing oils. 

Doesn't cause allergic reactions.

Available in 
Natural Virgin Raw Grey (mild scent)
Naturally Filtered White (no scent) 

Cocoa Butter, Organic, golden

 Cocoa Butter, Organic, golden

From the cocoa bean, it has a light chocolate-like aroma. This is an awesome multi-purpose edible butter. Commonly used food or deserts as a hardening oil. Cocoa butter is what gives chocolate that "mouth feel appeal" Great in lip balm and for making your own body butter. Just melt and mix with less solid oils of your choice, add some shea butter and vitamin e oil for an awesome skin treatment you’ll love.  This is a very solid butter with a high melt point of about 100F. It will come in easy to measure chunks in a zipbag.

Pumpkin Seed Oil

 Pumpkin Seed Oil

Unrefined, dark, cold pressed. Pumpkin seeds & pumpkin seed oils are known to be good for prostate, cholesterol, bladder function, anti-parasite. Sold in capsule form as a supplement for a significantly higher price. It is high in vitamins & minerals and essential fatty acids – omega oils. For salads or by the spoonful.

Vitamin E

 Vitamin E Oil

Mixed Natural alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocopherols.  Typically used as an oil additive to extend shelf life, or for skin and scar healing. Add this to your DIY skin care products, your salad dressings, your butter alternatives, and wherever else you need to.  2oz is approx 43,200 IU or about 3,600 IU per teaspoon.


 Glycerin, Vegetable

Great for making herbal tinctures or cough remedies or gummy cough drops or skin scrubs.
Add to your lotion or hair conditioner for added moisture retention. Food grade Amazing price. Long shelf life. A heavy thick liquid @10 lbs per gal. (non-soy)

Neem Oil

 Neem Oil - Virgin, Cold Pressed

An internet search will tell you this is a GREAT PRICE and it will produce a long list of useful benefits for this oil.  Suggestions typically include a wide range from organic gardening pest control to amazing skin healing benefits, blood pressure reducing, rash healing, anti-parasitic, and folklore as a contraceptive. It has a distinct characteristic neem scent and a greenish-brown virgin oil color.  Some describe the aroma anywhere from coffee-like to sulfur-like.   For More details on Oil Benefits we recommend

Castor Oil

 Castor Oil

This thick, almost sticky oil is best known for it’s deep moisturizing ability. A night-time application to hands or feet then covered with socks can bring relief to even the driest, deep cracked, or super stressed skin.  It's also an old home remedy for abdominal distress by applying thickly to skin, covering with cotton then plastic and a hot pack.  And a known hair emollient. It's a  wonderful lather boosting additive to bar soap making.  Castor oil is not considered a cooking oil.  It's only edible in small amounts if you want a colon cleaning laxative.  Read many more uses at:
And It is a mole deterrent when applied diluted to grass with hose sprayer. Read more at:

Carrier oil blends
Of course any oil can technically be used as a carrier oil. Choosing an oil that meets your specific needs is key to skin happiness.  
Typically a blend of several oils makes the best carrier.  
Give this oil a try as part of your next carrier oil blend.

You can order bulk oil at a discount as part of the next pre-buy bulk oil order  HERE

Or you can check for in stock carrier oils HERE 

Pamper Your Skin Naturally! 

Disclaimer:   Our products and our printed information are created solely for your delight and enjoyment. All statements about our products are for your personal reference and informational, educational, or entertainment purposes only and have not been evaluated by government agencies including the FDA, and are not intended to substitute for advice from a medical professional to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any ailment or disease regulated by medical professionals or government agencies including the FDA.  We assume no liability for claims, inaccuracies or misstatements, misunderstandings, or misuse with/about our products or our ingredients.  Use at your own risk.  All statements of use are unverified and historical and/or testimonial in nature.
Due to market variations, Any stated prices are subject to change without notice. Volume Discounts Available. Wholesale and Club Membership purchases only. New Wholesale Store and Club Membership Accounts Welcomed

Jojoba Oil


Jojoba Oil – Golden

Jojoba oil (pronounced “ho ho ba”) is an ultimate skin conditioner. Said to be the closest to your skin’s natural oil, this liquid “plant wax” has a natural golden color and an incredible ability to nourish even the driest skin. Because it’s molecular structure is closer to a wax than most oils, it’s shelf life is extended to that of a solid oil instead of a liquid oil. Good for sunburn too.

Jojoba Oil – Clear Filtered
Same great oil as the golden only filtered to be clear for mixing with essential oils or other skin care products where you might not want a color.

Carrier oil blends
Of course any oil can technically be used as a carrier oil. Choosing an oil that meets your specific needs is key to skin happiness.  
Typically a blend of several oils makes the best carrier.  
Give this oil a try as part of your next carrier oil blend.

You can order bulk oil at a discount as part of the next pre-buy bulk oil order  HERE

Or you can check for in stock carrier oils HERE 

Pamper Your Skin Naturally! 

Disclaimer:   Our products and our printed information are created solely for your delight and enjoyment. All statements about our products are for your personal reference and informational, educational, or entertainment purposes only and have not been evaluated by government agencies including the FDA, and are not intended to substitute for advice from a medical professional to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any ailment or disease regulated by medical professionals or government agencies including the FDA.  We assume no liability for claims, inaccuracies or misstatements, misunderstandings, or misuse with/about our products or our ingredients.  Use at your own risk.  All statements of use are unverified and historical and/or testimonial in nature.
Due to market variations, Any stated prices are subject to change without notice. Volume Discounts Available. Wholesale and Club Membership purchases only. New Wholesale Store and Club Membership Accounts Welcomed